Reassurances have come down through back channels indicating that the majority of legislators are ready and willing to pass Pharmacy Benefits Manager reform legislation if Governor Kay Ivey has the courage to call them back for a special session to save independent pharmacies from the economic genocide that is being perpetrated upon them by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. There has been no word from the governor or her staff other than to dismiss concerned citizens who call her office pleading for Ivey to call a special session by lecturing them that it is the registered lobbyists for the independent pharmacies that need to be the ones who make contact and not the constituents she supposedly represents. Inevitably this leads to a lot of perplexed head scratching in pursuit of trying to understand just exactly who Kay Ivey truly serves.
Better yet, who really is Kay Ivey? Revelations came to light in August of 2019 that a young Kay Ivey had performed in blackface alongside her sorority sisters in a skit during her time as a student at Auburn University in the 1960s. Apologizing for her past conduct, Ivey asserted;
“While some may attempt to excuse this as acceptable behavior for a college student during the mid-1960s, that is not who I am today, and it is not what my Administration represents all these years later."
Ok, so a college aged adult Kay Ivey wearing blackface in the 1960s is not who she is today. Sorry, but we just have to ask.
Indeed, guvna, as Roger Daltrey lyrically inquired in their legendary anthem; who the #@*% are you?
Ok, so that is who you are. That clears up a lot.
There is an abundance of chatter, anecdotes and Bidenesque rumors in regards to Ivey's inevitable cognitive decline. Without getting into the reeds too much here, suffice it to say that our lame duck governor will be celebrating her 80th birthday in less than two weeks. Ivey has surrounded herself with spoiled millennial brats, Montgomery swamp creatures and downtown Birmingham shills who have formed a cocoon around her which shades the "reality" receives with a rose colored hue. Every day that goes by where Ivey's office staff runs interference and mischaracterizes the dire emergency which independent pharmacies in Alabama find themselves results in more community drugstores shutting down and going out of business without any hope of relief from their elected officials who are sworn to protect them from predatory corporate bad actors.
Whimsical proclamations are great window dressing, but we need a real governor, right now. Not in two days, two weeks, two months, two years or whenever Kay and her office staff are fixin' to address BCBSAL and their industry goon squad destroying the fragile ecosystem of independent pharmacies in Alabama. Governor Bill Lee of Tennessee bossed up with his state legislature over three years ago and put through PBM reform legislation in 2021 to protect their independent pharmacies. That is who Bill Lee is. So, Kay, who are you?